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Since its origins, the Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación has pursued an interest that is reflected in its current motto: working with human beings for the service of human beings. Inspired by this philosophy, the Institution has materialized important achievements of academic consolidation and social impact that revalidate the characteristics of its community of students, professors, graduates and allies.
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In a context set by the Second World War and the expansion of the polio epidemic in the country, Dr. Juan Ruiz Mora, orthopedic doctor and founder of the Roosevelt Institute, warns of the need to train professionals who respond to the needs of care in rehabilitation of Colombian citizens. Under his leadership and the support of Mrs. María Luisa Manrique, doctors Julio Barrera, Roberto Arango and Guillermo Gómez, the National School of Physiotherapy was born.
Together with the professors of the National School of Physiotherapy and Mrs. Elvira Concha de Saldarriaga, the founding members of the Institution collect their same work to change its name to the Colombian University of Rehabilitation Foundation.
In response to the intention to treat pathologies of phoniatrics, deafness and hearing of the Colombian population, the Foundation extends its work with the creation of the School of Speech Therapy, one of the two precursor schools of this discipline in the country.
The Institution adopts the name of the Colombian Rehabilitation Foundation and establishes an affiliation contract with the Universidad del Rosario. In addition, it complements its educational offer and expands the training profiles in rehabilitation with the constitution of the Occupational Therapy program.
Using the experience accumulated in its fields of knowledge, the institution begins the construction and implementation of its postgraduate training offer.
The agreement between the Foundation and the Universidad del Rosario comes to an end. From then on, the institution chooses to continue its work independently, with the endorsement granted by Resolution 5090 of November 3 and the legal status of the Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación - ECR.
Colciencias, the main and largest scientific promotion entity in Colombia, acknowledge the Human Capacities, Health and Inclusion Research Group, of the ECR, in category A of this classification system.
We are a non-profit Higher Education institution that contributes to the construction of our students' life projects through an educational model that trains people with leadership skills, who are critical, creative, committed to diversity and capable of impacting the environment, promoting well-being and social inclusion.
In 2030, the ECR will be an inclusive institution that values diversity as a factor of social development, recognized nationally and internationally for its training and knowledge management actions derived from the educational model.
Learning paths open to the community: early childhood, young people, elderly, community leaders, education and business.
Corporate training programs
Courses classify by key skills to ensure a more complete and effective training:
In this center ECR community will have the opportunity to live the experience in real time to work on their managing and skills, open their mind to create and innovate in the different scenarios that may arise in the day to day.
Have the opportunity to receive advice if they want to start a business or give a boost to the business idea. It is also open to provide consulting and unique training for entrepreneurs of all ages and sectors.
We provide positive environments that promote student well-being while considering student diversity. Activities such as talks, games, dance, music, theatre and sports are designed to promote emotional balance, academic excellence and physical health. We’re also in charge for supporting the design of all activities that promote inclusion on campus.
The Head of Internationalization of Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación organize, coordinate and control the development of strategies, activities and services in order to strengthen the intercultural, international and global dimension in teaching and research.
In addition, we are responsable for promotes the insertion of students in international contexts, through the establishment of cooperation links to generate research scenarios, practices and internships, teacher and student mobility, cooperation projects and continuing education alliances.
Live an academic and cultural exchange experience at the ECR
Incoming Mobility Call
Collaborative actions between ECR academics and international experts strengthen university practice and promote academic, research and cultural exchange. Likewise, it promotes the scientific exercise of the entire academic community and the formation of global citizens.
Stockton University
Bryan & Stratton College
United States Sports Academy
Universidad de Almería
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas en Salud Mental
Instituto Biomecánico de Valencia
Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano De Tecnología
Université de Sherbrooke
Hochshule Bremen, City University of Applied Sciences (HSB)
Universidad de Santa Paula – Costa Rica
Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
Universidad del Gran Rosario
Universidad Abierta Interamericana
Universidad Estatal Montes Claros
Universidad Austral de Chile
Universidad Viña del Mar
Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Universidad Mayor de Chile Universidad de Talca
Kineticxer International
Institute Ltda
Centro Mexicano Universitario de Ciencias y Humanidades (CMUCH)
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Instituto Profesional en Terapias y Humanidades IPETH
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla UPAEP
Universidad Iberoamericana de Paraguay
To ECR, research represents an opportunity to seek viable and innovative solutions to social problems inscribed in the areas of health, disability, rehabilitation and inclusion, taking into account the complexity of human communication skills, body movement and occupation, in the study of Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and their specialties.
The generation of scientific knowledge in the Institution is led through the following actors and products:
Institutional Lines
Develop science, technology and innovation actions in accordance with local and global needs and problems, with a disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach in the field of communication, movement and human occupation and their relationships, from the perspective of capabilities people, health and inclusion.
Grupo de Investigación Capacidades Humanas, Salud e Inclusión - ECR | Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación
Student research groups Semilleros de investigación - ECR | Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación
The students research groups are learning communities open to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, graduates and invited members of other institutions who work under the advice of support teachers, with a view to strengthening their research skills and networking on common science topics, technology and innovation.
Diversitas, ocuparte, kinesis, sinapseed and ergonomí.
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Campus: Av. Cra. 15 No. 151 - 68
Primer piso
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia
PBX: +57 (601) 4 32 1530
Email Address
This foundation is subject to inspection and oversight by the National Education Ministry, with legal status recognized by Resolution No. 5090 of November 1995.
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